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Winter Weeks and Waiting Seasons


Soon. Have you ever been given this answer by God, a friend, or a parent? I don't know about you, but hearing this four letter word has in the past caused me to cringe. Even get angry.

Why God? Why does soon seem like your favorite word in various seasons of my life? Why can't I have what I want when I want it?

Because getting everything you want isn't good for you, Angel.

In my few decades this side of Heaven, I have become intimately acquainted with the word 'soon'. When I was not following the Lord I got everything I wanted when I wanted it, but do you know what that life left me?

A whole lotta hurt and a whole lotta people I hurt.

Now, when I live in the soon, I find my flesh is very uncomfortable but my spirit is at peace. A peace that surpasses all understanding. A peace that pours forth when I speak to others about the trials we are experiencing and makes them wonder how I could be so calm.

This is not to say I am not struggling. Since the birth of my daughter last August, I have been in a continual season of striping and of soon. I am experiencing the longest Winter Season to date, walking through loss after loss in a season of waiting that feels weary-some. In this season of loss - the loss of self, relationships, and time - my husband has walked next to me and guided me, but now he has entered his own Winter Season and I am blessed to walk alongside him while he processes.

It's not easy seeing your person hurting. When they hurt, you hurt. Seeing my husband struggle is one of the hardest things to witness but I do feel the Lord so close during this time. I feel Him asking me "Do you trust me during this season? Do you trust I have only the best for you both?" In those moments my heart screams "YES!!!" and the Winter doesn't seem so cold.

Let me explain what I mean by Winter Season because some of you may be thinking "Katelyn, it's Spring! Winter left a few weeks ago." Yes, my friend, you are correct. I am titling this time in my life a Winter Season because like how the trees and the plants die so they can later be reborn in the Spring, I have to allow areas of my life to die in order for a fresh beauty to come forth. I have to press into the loss of Winter to allow room for my Spring to be birthed. If I don't embrace the tundra, how can I appreciate the beauty of the meadow?

You cannot have rebirth without first having death. Spring cannot happen without Winter. My growth as a Daughter of the King cannot happen if I am not willing to be shed of my former self. I cannot reap the glories of Spring without letting Winter happen.

The Winter may be cold and harsh, but what a Spring the Lord is preparing for me, for my husband, and our family! We will one day shout from the mountaintops all the Lord has done for us and we will give Him all the glory!

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